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      Consciously practicing gratitude has been a huge part of my healing journey.

      My journey to discovering gratitude was interesting. I was never ungrateful as such, but I did have a tendency to see all the things that were going wrong in my life quite easily and I could probably have listed 10 things or more in 10 seconds that I perceived to be missing from my life when things weren’t going my way.

      Consistent and constant gratitude practice means that I find it difficult to focus on any negatives nowadays but like everything it takes work.

      If you would like to begin writing a gratitude journal simply follow these steps and build on them as you become more comfortable with the practice.


      It’s nice to have a dedicated journal for your daily gratitude list. I also love checking back on how many wonderful things happen to me every day that we can easily forget. Any notepad will do.


      Start each day with gratitude by writing down 3 things you are grateful for. These can be anything so for example:

      • I’m grateful I can nourish my body with good food
      • I’m grateful for my beautiful son
      • I’m grateful it’s a beautiful day
      • I’m grateful for my job
      • I’m grateful for all the opportunities I have each day
      • Download sample page here

      Gratitude diary, gratitude practise, being grateful, gratitude, gratitude diary, being thankfulTHEN

      When you are comfortable with that list take it one step further and explore why you are grateful so for example:

      • I’m grateful for my son because he teaches me to be present and being a parent has taught me about the power and meaning of unconditional love
      • I’m so thankful for the good food available to me that I can choose to nourish my body with as good food helps to keep me health in both body and mind
      • I’m grateful for my job because I love what I do and I feel fulfilled and energized after a good days work.
      • I’m so grateful to wake up in good health everyday and for my family’s health and wellbeing. It is something we all value and cherish.


      gratitude stonesEvery night before I go to sleep I pick up my gratitude stone (choose a stone from a garden, park or beach that has meaning for you. Mine is from Dzogchen Beara which holds a very special place in my heart) and I think of what I am most grateful for each day. I absolutely love this part of my day and it means I always go to sleep with a positive thought and a smile on my face.

      Remember if you are practicing gratitude it is very hard to have negative thoughts. Saying thank you mindlessly and really feeling grateful are two very different things so try and really feel it in your body and sit into that feeling. The more you do this the easier it will become and I promise gratitude makes life easier even on tough days!

      Try it for 3 weeks and let me know how you get on. I would love to hear from you

      Comment below

      Shine Bright,

      Ali xxx

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