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      I have adult acne, which gets me down sometimes and during the height of my modeling career in New York I took wickedly strong medications, which worked temporarily but now I question at what cost? I have spent the past few years studying health and wellness and cleaning up my own lifestyle and health habits and even though I’m really healthy now, shock horror I still struggle sometimes!!

      This is important to understand because sometimes there are no miracle cures in life for day to day life and even though I know my current breakouts are caused by hormonal imbalances I am personally not helping the situation as I am quite stressed and staying up working late but, these are areas I have promised myself I will tackle and get on top off to help rebalance myself again.

      In 2015 I developed and launched my new website, I was back in college studying and I wrote my first book not forgetting my most important job as a mum. My skin is now still wearing 2015 but not for long I hope!!

      I had a meeting with Virginie from Phyt’s Ireland about my skin and yesterday I had one of the best facials I have ever had called The Luminescence Facial.

      It’s anti-ageing and firming facial, tailored to each clients skin and it takes 90 minutes and let me tell you I enjoyed every single second of the 90 minutes!!


      • First Virginie cleansed with Lait Nettoyant to remove makeup, colourants, products and pollutants.
      • Then she toned with Eucalyptus to rebalance the skins pH, remove any excess cleanser and brighten the skin.
      • Some exfoliation was next with Gommage Contact+ to remove all dead cells and prepare the skin for a better absorption of ingredients.
      • Then she applied some Serum C17 all over the face, neck, lips and eyelids to stimulate, nourish, and rebalance the skin and then the Naturoderm, a natural antiseptic after extraction.

      Phyts facial, Virginie, v claire, harolds cross, acne treatment, natural facial, skincare, beauty, be complete, alison canavan, phyts organic skincare

      • Over the serum, she applied the Mask D’O (above) all over my face including eyelids and lips ( which is safe as its natural). This mask is made of peppermint and chamomile to soothe and refresh the skin A MUST for any dull, sensitive skin! This was my favorite part. The mask was calming and refreshing and felt wonderful.
      • Virginie then dampened 2 gauze pieces and applied a little toner to them. She placed the gauze in position for PHYT’S Pressure Point Technique which was so relaxing.
      • She removed the mask with sponges and tepid water, and toned with the Eucalyptus toner to keep brightening the skin!
      • Then she performed a personalized massage with the remaining Serum C17 and mixed a little Phyt’ssima with the serum for more slip and for essential fatty acids to plump and soften the skin.

      Phyts facial, Virginie, v claire, harolds cross, acne treatment, natural facial, skincare, beauty, be complete, alison canavan, phyts organic skincare

      • Then it was time to prepare for my Aqua Peel-Off Mask (above), which was left to set for 10min (which is an amazingly long time for any busy mum to chill and relax for) and peel it off. The mask is made of rosemary and Aloe Vera, which helps to stimulate the skins microcirculation which results in bringing the most radiant skin’s complexion to life.
      • Finally Virginie moisturised with suitable PHYT’S Creme Reviderm to oxygenate and revitalise the skin due to its chlorophyll and plankton ingredients

      Phyts facial, Virginie, v claire, harolds cross, acne treatment, natural facial, skincare, beauty, be complete, alison canavan, before and after, phyts organic skincare

      These are the before and after with NO filters used. The grey and dullness was definitely lifted from my skin and we also did a lot of extraction which my skin badly needed and not only did my skin feel great but I did too.

      It’s really important to take this time for ourselves. My skin has been getting me down lately but I felt much better yesterday after giving myself some love and attention.


      “Alison’s skin is a prototype adult skin going through breakout due to hormonal imbalance, due to stress. I wouldn’t consider Alison’s skin oily, actually when I looked at her skin she didn’t have any blackheads on her nose, forehead and very little on the chin. An oily skin produces excess oil, which means blocked pores and blackheads over the T-zone. Most of adult problem skins should not be treated as an oily skin and DEFINITELY should not use products for oily skin.”

      For more information or to book an appointment contact Virginie at or call  (01) 497 8833 Facial cost €80

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