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      First of all I just wanted to say I’m delighted to be writing for Be Complete every week. But I coined the phrase “Lightning Positivity” because I believe in it so much. The power of a positive mind is the reason I can wake up every morning.

      Now if you read my bio (Contributors) or not. I was actually hit by lightning in 2004 in a freak accident in South Boston, America. A life changing experience not just for me but to my inner circle of friends & family.

      I have been told numerous times about my health, what could happen to me down the line from being hit by lightning, lot of negative thoughts and “what ifs” but I’m alive & healthy. So let’s stay focused on the positive.

      I was alive but scared both mentally & physically. Minimal to be honest on my body but I was ashamed of these lightning forks and blisters on my body. One day while walking along a beach with my parents at a family wedding in Spain. They noticed that I had lost my spark excuse the pun. They both knew I loved a good auld summer tan. But something was missing. To be honest taking off my top was a mental block for me so close after the accident. But they both laughed at me saying “Who cares” as my mother stated “I’ve seen everything before”. I took a deep breath and I took off my t-shirt. What happened next was shocking! Oh wait, nothing actually happened. It was all in my head. Now I’m even typing this in the nip as we speak out my back garden.

      We all have scars both mental & physical. All I want you to do is embrace them. Now my scars are like a badge of honour. They’ve become a piece of me. I’m proud how all these scars make a tapestry of me. So take ownership of how these life experiences have hurt or cut you. Wear them like a badge of honour. Like scars of pride.

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