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      AC_days_LightningPositivity new image

      I love writing this article every week for BeComplete. My hands are buzzing as I type. So thank you all for that.

      Recently I had to say goodbye to somebody I loved. To be honest this person was an inspiration to me. Talking before they died my heart was filled with love but the tears flowed from my soul. So I just want to say if you love someone, let them know.

      Bitter argument, try and open the door.

      Hanging on to the past, let it go.

      In your living years, I’m talking about today, free your mind while the people who you love or hate still roam this earth.

      Now don’t get me wrong, there is always one grumpy bollox! But if you have tried to mend that wound or bitter feud, well then you have tried and that’s all that matters. So hold your head up high.

      These days I’m never afraid to push myself to the edge & take a jump of fate. However, I was once told that I should follow a particular pattern and that there was a protocol to follow if I wanted to be successful. My confidence was a bit shot. I started to doubt myself for about ten minutes when I realised that nobody can put me in a box. I don’t have to follow any pattern to succeed or find happiness within.

      You see my success was off putting to this person. So they wanted to put me back in a box. A place where they thought I belonged.

      Now let this be a life lesson for all of you.

      There will be people who believe we all have to follow a pattern and stay in a box, locked away from the world. Never let anyone pigeon hole you to a box. Don’t be frightened by negative people who have a hidden agenda.

      Now don’t tell the boss to stuff his job like in the film “Jerry Maguire” who leaves with only his goldfish and a very beautiful Dorothy Boyd aka Renee Zellweger. Always build towards an “Exit Strategy” but never let anyone crush your dreams.

      I wrote a screenplay and got laughed at by a particular producer. Luckily, after that three other studios that wanted to purchase the rights to that very same screenplay approached me. So my point is of course there will be knocks along the road and everybody and your mother has an opinion. But once you listen to your incredible voice, heart & soul, that’s all that matters.

      Now sometimes we forget to have fun as adults and laugh so hard tears of laughter roll down our faces. So during this week I just want you to do something fun for you. Nobody else but you, so close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. Never forget about the soul that’s inside you. That person needs some love and a bit of craic agus ceoil.

      Remember you are the lucky one if you are reading this because you are alive. Not for a long time. So never let anyone put you in a box or tell you to follow a certain pattern. You are an individual, unique & beautiful, full of life with an incredible soul.

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