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      LightningPositivity coach motivation inspiration

      Just back from a weekend away in Prague, highly recommend a trip away to this stunning city so full of culture & art. The sun was shining as I walked the streets of Prague for the first time exploring hidden treasures.

      Sometimes we forget how good it feels just to disconnect to the world around us. Turn off the phone & don’t get connected to the WIFI. I love social media but I also love shutting off from the world and technology.

      Coffee, pen & paper and watching the world go by. Yes I’m that person who is listening to your conversation at the local coffee shop. People ask me where does my inspiration come from? Real people & characters always the best inspiration.

      Now I am stubborn and can have a temper at times. Nobody is perfect but when someone gets under my skin, it was like red rag to a bull. I’ve learned now not to let bad seeds get under my skin in business and my personal life.

      This has made a massive difference on my outlook in life. Of course I’ll have a rant, get it off my chest and park it and move on. Always finding methods how to deal with bad seeds in all shapes & sizes.

      But I always worry for friends or family who have no outlet to vent or hobby. My parents will be married 44 years together this week. Are they perfect? No, but are they still in love? Yes, and its beautiful to see. My mother has her belief in GOD and Guardian Angels and my father has always had politics. They connect with people through those passions. They both believe how important it is to have a passion or hobby.

      But to never give up the fight or the passion. Too many times people walk away without the fight. Like a Boxer, never give up till the bell rings. Push on through the pain and the barriers that can happen in life.

      We all need magic moments in life, to keep the spark lit. I love music and a good auld bop or dance. So I was burning the candle at both ends in Prague on the dance floor not worrying about anything just enjoying life and the moment.



      Live in the now, the past is in the past, the future? Sure who knows but wow when you live in the moment its bloody fantastic? Try and strive for another magic moment. For some it’s being alone watching a favourite box set, Netflix, new book, walking or having a coffee. This week is about having a moment for you and only you. Make the person on the inside smile from the inside out. We all need to glow.

      This One Is For You

      I write this last section with a heavy heart. I’ve seen someone who I love fall from the person they once were. An incredible friend who was the salt of the earth. That person is now a shadow of the glowing light they were to everyone who met them. A bad influence has taken over their life. They can’t see it but now they are isolated with no friends. In a poisons’ environment.

      I’m writing this so you know; I’ll never give up on you. We all fall in life but friendship means something to me. You may not be a friend now because of your actions. But I’m not giving up on you ever, through the good and the bad. But it’s your life; this beautiful and painful world is for living. In ten years’ time you’ll blink and I don’t want that to happen. So look around you, see what’s happening and why?

      You are the best, so reflect on that, it’s an outside influence but that can change. Your friends will be there waiting. But take this message and make the change. We might not be there now, but we will always be there waiting, for you to become the person we all know you are.

      This One Is For You

      I’m Never Giving Up On You

      But if you want change

      You have to take control

      We all know people like this in life, don’t close the door on them is all I’m saying. They are just lost.

      Now just want to finish this week’s article to my parents. 44 years married and still in love.

      Never give up the Fight or the Passion

      Shine On


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