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      I’m delighted to introduce Laura Buch as this weeks #WellnessWednesday guest. She is so inspirational as you are about to see and I absolutely LOVE that she wants to become Ireland’d 1st Minister for Nutrition and she has my vote!!

      Originally from Spain, Laura has been living here in Ireland for over 17 years, where she has established herself as a pioneer in the fitness industry. She has almost 20 years teaching experience and is currently a European Master Trainer for AntiGravity Yoga (which i’m dying to try!) and the master developer for Kick Start Fat Loss (KSFL) in Ireland.  A serial entrepreneur, Laura launched Fit Is An Attitude Clothing  in August. She is also a busy mum so I wanted to see how Laura manages to find some balance in her life….


      How would you describe your lifestyle?

      Active, very active! With never a dull moment! I run several businesses – Labfitness in Drogheda, Antigravity Yoga Ireland, KSFL Ireland (Kick Start Fat Loss) and my latest venture is the fitness clothing company ‘Fit is an Attitude’.

      What’s your favourite food? Naughty or nice.

      Currently I love clean grain and sugar free cookies which are home baked… they are even nicer than the bakery ones!

      Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      I’m a fitness instructor J and I teach 15 classes per week… from hot yoga to KSFL, Pilates, Step… you name it… I teach it!

      How do you find balance in your day-to-day life? I love spending time with my kids Izan and Dylan (2 and 6) – they make me forget about all the things I have to do.

      How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate? Have you ever tried it? Yes! I love hanging on my Antigravity Yoga hammock and lie still for 10 minutes… I also do Savasana’s at the end of all my Hot yoga classes.  I love teaching people how to breathe and focus on their inner self.

      People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?  

      OH YES I DO!… I’ve been doing this all my life! My big one now is that I want to become the Minister for nutrition in Ireland (don’t laugh!) and get this country healthy!… lower the prices of fruit and vegetables and local produce, put a tax on sugar and give everyone free fitness!

      How do you unwind after a busy day?

      I read about nutrition. I’m currently finishing my training to become a juicing therapist so reading about the subject is what I do after work. I love nourishing my brain with knowledge

      It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun? 

      Spend time with my family…go outdoors for a long walk and have lots of quality family time.

      What’s your top health tip for our readers?

      Drink a vegetable juice every single day!

      Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means…

      rising to every challenge I encounter.

      Check out Laura’s brand new range of leggings Fit is an Attitude I have a pair and I absolutely love them!!

      Fit Is An Attitude Range

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