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      This week i’m chatting to Lisa Fitzpatrick  who is one of Ireland’s most loved Fashion Stylists and is well known for her regular slots on TV3’s Ireland AM and Xposé. Lisa is also a best-selling author with two books, ‘Enjoying Style and Fashion’ and ‘Diet SOS’. Lisa is married to Paul and they have two gorgeous kids Sophie and Dalton and she tells me that she’s learnt a lot since her 30’s and the confidence she has now she definitely didn’t have then.

      Lisa is married to Paul and they have two gorgeous kids Sophie and Dalton and she tells me that she’s learnt a lot since her 30’s and the confidence she has now she definitely didn’t have then.

      Always bubbly and positive, she tells me there really is no other way to live. Lisa’s schedule changes every week and she can be very busy but she shares some insights below on how she strikes a balance in her daily life.

      Lisa Fitzpatrick, wellness wednesday, be complete, stylist, fashion stylist, TV3 stylist lisa fitzpatrick, lifestyle quiz, health and wellness

      How would you describe your lifestyle?

      I live a very positive lifestyle I choose to surround myself with like-minded people and I’m very Happy with myself as a person

      What’s your favorite food? Naughty or nice.

      Red wine cheese & crackers Yum I also love Crisps lots of different flavor crisps

      Good food choice is always chicken super food salad which I do have Mon-Friday

      Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      I like to cycle to our local shops rather than drive, I walk out dog snowy daily and I never use a lift I’ll take stairs unless I’m feeling lazy tired or I have bags hanging from my shoulders for a fashion slot

      How do you find balance in your day-to-day life?

      I work hard when I’m working but I love my job so it’s easy to enjoy it but I’m really good at being off and taking time to do nothing nice balance

      How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate? Have you ever tried it?

      I don’t get stressed I’m a fixer I solve problems in very calm years ago I raised my voice is loose it for something so silly now I deal with situations and move on

      People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?

      I believe you can dream a dream but only you can action that dream to make it a reality … I decide I want something and I do it. I’m not afraid of rejection if I have a light bulb moment and think I have the best idea I have people I work with daily to help me with my choices at NK management And they always guide me in the right direction.

      How do you unwind after a busy day?

      I love having a bath, candles lighting and music playing, it’s my favourite time out for me. I’m also relaxed when I know my diary is busy because I love working.

      It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun?

      Saturday I mostly work so that rules out Friday nights out but I absolutely make up for it in Saturday’s … Sunday is a fab day, pj day!! I cook the works for breakfast and we chill out all of us as it’s a busy week for the kids too. So Sunday is PJ day I love cooking a roast so we do that most Sundays sometimes we invite friends other times it’s just us either way it’s a make up free day for me, I never wear make up if I’m not working

      What’s your top health tip for our readers?

      Stay positive it’s better for your health, Fuel your body with good energy I do it mid week then at the weekends I go off the rails I don’t mind that I gain a few pounds every weekend I dress around it

      Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means…

      Being able to look in the mirror and like what’s looking back knowing I’m the best mother I can be. I’m a great wife, a great friend and I like me. I know I’m a good person and that feels good. Mind you I’m 43 and I certainly couldn’t have said that in my 30’s, maybe I’m growing up!





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