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      Digestion tips, peppermint tea, stress, hydrate, water, exercise, alison canavan, be complete, health and wellness, digestive issues, IBS, bloating, gas, cramps, intestines, good gut bacteria, terranova, probiotics,



      No better way to get your digestive system going than to get your body moving. So make sure to at least get a walk in every day. Stretching is also a great way to help move things along and both can help to stimulate your small intestine and get things moving in your colon!

      SIMPLE STRETCH: Lie on the ground and stretch your arms up and legs as long as they can go. Then hug your knees into your stomach and start a cycling motion with your legs just like you would when you are trying to help a baby ease tummy troubles and wind. Yoga is also fantastic for getting a full body stretch combined with breathing as its helps you to tune into your bodies needs.




      I start every day with lemon water as it helps to kick start your digestion but it’s also important to keep sufficiently hydrated throughout the day, which an awful lot of us don’t do. Dehydration is actually one of the main causes of chronic constipation because water helps food to move through your intestines and if your body doesn’t have enough water your stools will be hard and difficult to pass. Check your urine to see if you are dehydrated. The lighter in colour the better!!




      Fiber is something most of us don’t get enough of and its important as it keeps our gut healthy, digestive system running smoothly and it can actually help to control hunger as it keeps us feeling fuller for longer. Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds like chia and flax, brown rice, wholemeal bread, quinoa and oats.




      Probiotics are live bacteria or yeast that are great and essential for a healthy gut and digestive system. This is actually one of the most researched areas in medicine at the moment and what we are starting to realize is that the gut and the good bacteria that live there are far more important to our overall health than we realized with some people referring to our gut flora as “The Forgotten Organ”. Most of us are in what’s called dysbiosis in our gut and that’s when we have more bad than good bacteria in our gut, which is caused from things like poor diet, lifestyle and antibiotic use. So to help rebalance the bacteria try and eat less sugar, processed foods and reduce your alcohol intake. Increase foods like unsweetened live natural yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, kefir and kimchi. I also take The Terranova Probiotics €26.79 BUY HERE which contain a blend of “friendly” bacteria that are normal inhabitants within the intestinal tract.


      1. DE STRESS


      I know instantly when I’m getting stressed as I get knots in my tummy! Ever heard the term “gut wrenching”? Well that’s literally what stress does to your gut. Too much stress is bad full stop so try to eat mindfully, not in front of the TV, in a rush or in front of your computer and chew your food well. These little tips will help you to digest your food easier and better!




      Nothing like a nice peppermint tea after a meal to help ease digestive issues like bloating, gas, cramps or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) due to the peppermints anti-spasmodic and analgesic properties. I also use a little peppermint essential oil under my tongue from Doterra too (you need to make sure they good quality oils and also oils you can ingest) (To buy oils email [email protected]))

      So here’s to a happy tummy,

      Shine Bright,

      Ali xx

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