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      If you were one of the 15,000 runners who took part in this week’s Dublin marathon, it’s likely your body is in need of some extra care this week. Along with an appropriate amount of rest, using natural plant remedies can prove really helpful to advance the body’s recovery time. Essential oils can prove effective when preparing for an event and when dealing with post event injuries.

      Boosting Immunity

      The health benefits of regular exercise are well known and given how sedentary our lifestyles have become, physical activity can be both energising and can also provide an important mood boost to help you feel happier and more relaxed. However, given how busy many of our lives are, it is important that the immune system is well supported especially when adding and exercise regime to an already busy schedule. Training for a marathon or sports event can be gruelling and stressful on the body so supporting the immune system is a smart way to reduce the likelihood of colds & flus taking hold the week of a big race or event.

      An effective blend of oils to support the immune system are orange, clove, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus. Oregano’s antifungal properties make it a good choice for boosting immunity either taken internally or applied topically.

      Energy & Focus

      Inhaling Peppermint essential oil can help reduce fatigue, taking it internally with water assists oxygen intake and applying it topically has a cooling effect which in turn avoids overheating. Adding lemon or wild orange essential oil to water is a good way to stay hydrated and inhaling the citrus oil aroma will help to calm pre event nerves.


      Lemongrass essential oil is often used for ligament pain and to support connective tissue repair. Massaging Majoram, White fir or Lemongrass on over worked muscles will help with recovery time. Cypress essential oil reduces pain; it promotes blood flow and is helpful when applied topically for restless legs. 

      Muscle Relief Bath

      • 4 drops white fir
      • 1 drop clove
      • 4 drops frankincense

      Fill half a glass jar/cup with Epsom salts & add oils. Mix well & add to hot bath


      When selecting essential oils it’s important to choose 100% pure essential oils for the safest and most effective health benefits. Only certified pure therapeutic grade oils should be taken internally or used neat on the skin. Always dilute essential oils with carrier oil if applying topically to children.

      Essential oils can be used aromatically to affect mood and open airways; topically for quick absorption into the body through the skin, and internally for immune & digestive support.

      Essential oils are a great way to improve your health easily and quickly. Drop me a line if you’d like to learn more about using essential oils or where to purchase 100% pure oils.…


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