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      Stress or Anxiety crop

      Modern living can be chaotic at times and technology, social media and the feeling we need to be constantly available or ‘plugged in’ can raise anxiety levels and leave us feeling emotionally stressed out. A recent study from the University of Glasgow found that social media & the need to be constantly available online can cause depression, anxiety and decrease sleep quality for teenagers.

      Nourishing the body with the right foods, taking time away from technology and meditation are just some of the ways we can combat raised anxiety levels. To help experience healthy moods, natural plant remedies can also prove really beneficial as our sense of smell has a strong influence on our emotions. Inhaling essential oils provides the fastest route into the body where they can then have a significant benefit on our mood. Diffusing essential oils (small device that disperses essential oils into the air) is an effective way to inhale them and it is also a chemical free alternative to air using fresheners.

      There are so many oils to choose from to help manage mood. The following are a few of the top oils to help with anxiety:


      Wild Orange

      Uplifting and invigorating, wild orange is commonly used for emotional balance. Applying wild orange to pulse points or simply smelling this fresh oil can help with anxiety and nervousness. It also contains powerful antioxidants to support overall health and is an ideal oil to use for energising the mind and body.


      Bergamot is delicate citrus oil used to reduce tension and stress. One of the top uses for Bergamot is insomnia and using it topically or aromatically can help to balance emotions. Diffusing this elevating oil is ideal way to help the body when feeling anxious or when stress levels are high


      Frankincense is often referred to as the ‘King’ of oils and has been used for thousands of years by nearly all ancient cultures. It is renowned for its healing properties and is commonly used to reduce inflammation and to relieve anxiety and chronic stress. Frankincense oil helps to promote feelings of peace which makes it an ideal oil to inhale or diffuse when feeling anxious. Applying some oil topically under the nose and on the back of the neck can help ease tension and bring wonderful focus to meditation.


      Lavender essential oil is hugely popular and known to help with all things calming. Rubbing lavender over the heart and inhaling it can help with anxiety. It is an ideal oil to use when stress or anxiety are causing sleep problems.

      Essential oils can offer practical, effective and powerful benefits for our emotional wellbeing. Using the power of plants to reduce stress, anxiety and tension is a safe and effective way to help safeguard our mental health.


      When selecting essential oils it’s important to choose 100% pure essential oils for the safest and most effective health benefits. Only certified pure therapeutic grade oils should be taken internally or used neat on the skin. Essential oils can be used aromatically to affect mood and open airways; topically for quick absorption into the body through the skin, and internally for immune & digestive support.

      Essential oils are a great way to improve your health easily and quickly. Drop me a line if you’d like to learn more about using essential oils or where to purchase 100% pure oils.…


      Honest About Health

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