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Begin Your Journey With Alison

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      So I’ve known pain, the type of pain suffered from a lightning bolt ripping through my body and burning me from the inside out with the extreme heat. Ouch! But now I wear my scars with pride. But I saved money, spiking my hair without gel.

      But I thought I knew pain till I suffered a loss in my life that devastated me. This pain came from my heart and I was an empty vessel, a shadow of myself. I vowed I’d never write again.

      But one night on a rooftop over-looking London, South Bank & the London Eye inspiration hit me. I wrote for three days straight in a manic state.

      That became my second play “My Bedsit Window” and it became my most critically acclaimed play. Toured internationally, translated and five star reviews. Before then I had reached the lowest point in my life. Very hard to see the light, but I never gave up as pain ends.

      Now I write every day, for me, it fills my heart with joy and my imagination runs wild with excitement. But I’m not talking about a career. For the rest of my life I’ll write a play once a year for me and nobody else.

      This process makes me feel alive and I was going to walk away from the pen and paper forever. Now always remember in life to hold on because the pain will end and the most incredible chapter in your life awaits you with open arms. Colours & warmth that enrich the soul.

      Now my next play “The Unsung Hero” opens March 21st – April 2nd at the Theatre Upstairs and then afterwards goes on a nationwide tour.

      Why tell me all this? I told people this would happen; I’m going to write this play, it will tour Ireland and the world. I repeated it to myself over and over. Telling the world or anyone who would listen. Some people laughed, thought it would never happen.

      Then it was announced last Friday. But then I got phone calls from people who I haven’t heard from since my last play. The usual but this time I embraced each phone call. Now people want to take my play to London, America, Japan, Rome, Argentina, France, Mexico and I just smiled to myself, sure we are still fundraising for the Irish run of this production.

      But at that moment, my visualisation became a reality, that global pull for my play, I knew would always happen.

      But remember before all this I was never going to write again. That happiness cut off from my life. All the people I’ve met and loved along this journey have lifted my soul.

      So “Lightning Positivity” isn’t just a phrase I coined but something I live my life by.

      People in this world will try and cut out your soul and happiness. Of course you will have those dark days and heartache but a light will take you to new heights that you’ve only imagined.

      Make you happy and make your dreams come true. If anything I just want you to pick up this positive energy and apply it to your own life.

      Harness that incredible strength that lives in your heart. One day you’ll be flying so high all this will be a faded memory of a dark blip on the radar.

      Close your eyes and follow the light even in the darkest of moments.

      Wishing you all the success on this journey we call life.

      Don’t just read “Lightning Positivity” live it, embrace it, dream it, visualise it, own it, laugh at it.

      Your journey starts today and you have that control, nobody else but you. Close your eyes and just dream do whatever makes you smile.

      Happy Howaya Tuesday

      Love & Peace


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