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Begin Your Journey With Alison

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      So today is the 1st of November, most of the leaves have fallen off the trees, the weather is changing and the evenings are becoming shorter. We are also starting to see and hear Christmas creeping in to our daily lives already!!! When Christmas creeps in we tend to shift our minds away from our goals and self-care, which inevitably means that stress, pressure and bad habits start creeping in.

      What I really love about autumn is that it’s a visible sign of change. It’s Mother Nature’s way of showing us not to fear change and that everything must die to make way for the new possibilities and opportunities. Just look at the stunning autumn colours, the yellows and burnt orange before they turn brown and fall to the ground. Every stage of their life and every stage of our life and our journey’s are beautiful and we need to realize that and enjoy every moment of every day.


      Just imagine if leaves could talk and on one particular oak tree all the leaves were enjoying their lives. Like babies they were born in Springtime, fresh and full of life and then they moved into the wonderful summer months where they grew, matured and developed into older leaves. As they came towards the end of the summer they started to feel tired, but most of them were welcoming the change that was on its way and they were ready for it, as they needed the rest. But there were some leaves on the tree that spent their entire short lives never being content and happy and when the other leaves asked why they would always reply that they wanted to be bigger, greener and better that they were at that moment.


      They always hoped that those things would come to them and they were sure that when they did it would make them feel happier and more content. Every day they were irritable, distracted and unfocused. They felt a void in the little leaf veins that they simply couldn’t fill. As the autumn time approached and they saw themselves turn from green to yellow and orange they became very upset and panicked because they had never felt green enough and now they would never be green again. By the time they realized this it was too late.


      So don’t be like an old oak leaf and wait to be happy. The time to be happy is right now. The oak leaf was perfect all along and the only person that couldn’t see that was the leaf itself.


      There is still 1/5 of the year left so a HUGE 20% of a full year to fulfill your goals, dreams and to get back on track and stay focused. So think back to January of this year:


      • What hopes and dreams did you have for 2014? List them now. What have you ticked off?


      • What could you realistically still achieve if you put your mind to it?


      Whether you would like to work on yourself, your career, your family life or anything else for that matter NOW is a great time to start. Maybe it’s something as simple as getting up when your alarm goes off every day or eating a healthier breakfast.


      Every second of every minute of every day is a chance to start again. Life is not about being perfect it’s about just being you. So join me for “Keep going” month in November.


      The first thing I want to you to do is start every day the right way. Create a morning routine that energizes and prepares you positively for the day ahead. Follow me on FACEBOOK where I will be posting daily inspirations and videos including my morning routine and life lessons that have helped me to get to where I am today which is a very happy, grateful and lucky lady. I feel blessed to be on this path. We all have it in us and we are all capable of much more that we imagine.


      I’m not saying it’s easy but I am saying it’s worth it!!


      Ali xxxx

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