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Begin Your Journey With Alison

    Book Alison For

    What is your answer 5 + 6

    Book Alison For speaking

      Book Alison For

      What is your answer 3 x 7


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      So as a playwright I’ve reached the point of living, breathing, every waking minute of my two characters Michael Joseph O’Rahilly (The O’Rahilly) & his wife Nannie Brown for my next play “The Unsung Hero”.

      I’m in “the zone” as some people may say. I can visualise every scene, throughout the play. I know their gestures and mannerisms. As a writer each character will tap into your soul for that moment in time when you are writing a new play. Now sometimes nothing happens but right now I’m connected.

      So I have every love letter my two characters wrote to each other from 1893 – 1916 till the day he died off Moore Street. Now there is something beautiful in reading and receiving a letter.

      So my readers ; my goal for you is to write yourself a letter , telling me something positive about your beautiful self and a small goal you will achieve and send it to yourself. Now don’t be cheap ya hear me. Buy a stamp and send it to your address. When you receive that letter it will give you a beautiful lift. Trust me on this, all about the Lightning Positivity.

      What’s he talking about now? So I decided to wake up every morning, say something positive about myself, something I what to achieve, a moment for prayer or reflection. Now at some point throughout the 24hrs in a day. A few minutes of shadow boxing for my fitness and meditation. I know, that’s right meditation and I’ve noticed a difference.

      In my own personal life I feel like I’ve found the person who maybe I lost for a period of time, people reflect that when they see me. I’m smiling again because I can’t stop. Now before some smart arse says something of course I’ve been hurt or had a job crushed or chasing an invoice but I don’t let that hinder my own head space and positive vibes. Now enough of all that hippie dippy talk says you. But the blood sucking vampires are just bouncing off me and I love it. All about control and harnessing that natural energy.

      So last week I talked about my own goals and what I wanted when I was asked by my mother over coffee for 2016. Now I know and I’ll share them to the universe. I hadn’t a clue but now I know.

      • To finish writing my children’s book “Johnny Lightning”.
      • Write & develop two new plays.
      • To hold a free workshop on motivation & positivity.
      • Small cameo in a feature film.
      • To write one new screenplay.
      • Purchase my first DSLR camera.
      • Travel to new destinations.
      • To really enjoy the time I have on this plant with my loved ones, family & friends. Not to forget that message.
      • Write letters & postcards throughout the year.
      • Here for family who need a helping hand at the darkest hour.
      • To do the odd martial arts class throughout the year between my friends martial arts schools throughout the country.
      • Take Irish Lessons.

      That’s my list. That’s my goals. It’s out in the world.

      Now write that letter for you and only you. Buy a stamp you cheap arse. Tell a friend about this exercise.

      Oh remember the article I wrote on my friend Glenn Gannon and his book “Miracle Man- Homeless to Hollywood” well last week Humans of Dublin & Buzz feed picked up his story. He broke the Internet and it couldn’t happen to a nicer fella. Shine on GG. You’ve gone global.

      Shine On Readers.

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