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      I’m really looking forward to attending this course with Joanna Fortune. Having worked with Joanna for over a year now her ability to inspire and encourage parents (including me!) in the most positive way is very unique. If anyone would like to join us on Saturday just get in touch!!

      1 Day Parenting Course this Saturday 6th July, limited places remain. This Course will be run by Joanna Fortune who is a Clinical Psychotherapist with more than 12 years experience working with children, adolescents and parents. She is a specialist in early attachment and the parent-child relationship and runs the Solamh Parent Child Relationship Clinic in Dublin and is a regular contributor in the media on these issues. You can read more about Joanna on or

      This course is about accessing what is working and building on that and thinking about “why” and what motivates are approach and where that might come from. This 1 Day course will cover the early emotional and psychological development of children and provide participants with the insights to interpret and understand the behaviours of their children as well as the practical skills to respond and resolve these at home.

       This course will cover:

      *Child Development (general over view)

      *Understanding and Reading Children’s Behaviour

      *How to (practically) develop self-esteem and tackle bullying

      *Managing Transitions

      *Effective Discipline

      *Quality versus Quantity Time with children

      *The Power of Play

      This is about making small changes to see big differences, it is about less tears and more laughs!

      The next Parenting 1 day Course is Saturday 6th July 2013 in the Avila Centre Donnybrook, Dublin 4. The cost for the day is €130 per person or €220 for a couple and this is inclusive of lunch/refreshments and detailed handouts. Places are strictly limited and assigned on a first come first served basis so advance booking is recommended. Contact us on 01-6976568 or email to book your place or make an enquiry.

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