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      Lightning positivity, be complete, motivation, inspiration, david gilna, alison canavan, push yourself, feel great.

      I had business meeting last week and the person in question felt that life ‘owed them something’ a vile rant of negativity and bitterness. I excused myself from the meeting as I couldn’t be present any longer in such bitterness and venom. How could anyone work with this person or company is beyond me.
      But then my integrity was brought into question as I didn’t want to surround myself with people like that. They thought I wouldn’t turn down a deal for minimum effort and a good pay day.
      But a life lesson I learned many years ago if you can avoid working with DICKS or NEGATIVE NEDS on a project if you can survive financially without the gig. Then run a mile. The negative energy working against yourself with people who just pour out venom.
      So I knew they wouldn’t take my rejection lightly so then it turned into a personal attack on me. I smiled back and just laughed. You see in life certain people can only hide behind their masks before you see the real character unfold before you.
      So just think you are halfway through a project and then you are kicked down by people like this. Who you thought had your back but yet they just hid behind their masks.
      Wow that got a bit dark but you have to speak the truth. Always go with your gut. Believe in you.
      Now all about the blank page.
      I had a massive fight with Ali last summer. I was shouting on the phone, telling her if she didn’t write a paragraph on a book that we all knew she had it in her, I wouldn’t speak to her.
      I hated doing it but it had to be done. We didn’t speak for a short period of time. Then my phone rang, with an apology and she started to write something every day during the course of 5 days.
      Now her book ‘Minding Mum’ has its launch next week in Dublin. I’m so proud of you Ali.
      To all the Mothers out there, to all the single mothers and single fathers in the world. I salute you.
      Buy ‘Minding Mum’.
      But that is Lightning Positivity right there, a blank page, a push in the right direction and when you start to believe in you. Anything is possible.
      Happy Tuesday Peeps.
      Shine On .

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