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      minding mum, dreams come true, love, life, motivation , new book, mothers day, gift ideas, thank you, book launch, I spent a lot of my life thinking I couldn’t do a lot of things and being really hard on myself for not doing and being enough. I have pushed myself, studied hard and broken down a lot of my fear barriers in the last few years and let me tell you although difficult at times it is incredibly rewarding to keep pushing through your comfort zone a little each day.

      I have been completely overwhelmed by all the support for my new book and I am so grateful for everyone who turned up to support me on Tuesday evening at my launch but more importantly I am so grateful to every single mum who has taken the time to write to me over the years. Often you mention that I inspire you but actually it works both ways and this book was written and inspired by your kind words of encouragement on very difficult days when I felt like giving up.

      The day James was born is the day I was reborn into this world. Through the eyes of a child I learnt to see the beauty and wonder in everyday things.

      On this journey I learnt to love myself but more importantly I learnt that I am enough!!!

      This book is my hug, my hand and my smile that I’m reaching out to give to any mum who needs it.

      Two sayings ring true to me

      No man is an island


      It takes a village to raise a child

      We have some of the loneliest people living in the biggest cities in the world. Professor of Positive Psychology at Harvard Shawn Achor, has been studying happiness for many years now and what they are starting to understand is just how important human connection is which is what our busy lives are preventing us from having. New mums often feel isolated and lonely at home with a new baby so it’s important in the early days to have help and support.

      Six years ago all I saw were broken dreams and personal disappointments but now I’m standing here doing something that some people only ever dream about and there is not a second of this journey that I have taken for granted.

      Our lives are journeys throughout them we either learn or die. There are too many people walking around already dead and I did not want to be one of them, so I fought hard to learn everything I could about myself, my illness and how to be happy.

      Our brains are primed for survival not happiness. Happiness is our job and a job we need to work at every day.

      It’s so important that we value self care. I try to be better both professionally and personally every single day. These past few years like everyone I had some great days, good days, OK days and some very bad days but every day I tried. I initially fought because of James and for James but because of him I now do it for myself. I now value myself enough to treat myself better, be my personal best and really try and live each day no matter what it throws at me!

      minding mum launch, book, james and alison canavan, house dublin, dreams, selfcareI’m so incredibly grateful for this opportunity and know that the catalyst for all change in anyone’s life is taking risks and some ONE person taking a risk on you. Deirdre and The team at gill did just that and I wanted to make them proud.

      Never under estimate the influence you can have on a persons life as I said no man is an Island and we need each other to succeed and grow.

      Dalai Lama:

      “Hard times can build determination and inner strength. Through them we can also come to appreciate the uselessness of anger”

      Enjoy #mindingmum in all good bookstores now €16.99 and send me your pics with the book to or tag me on social media



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