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      lightning positivity, be complete, life coach, self care, motivation, david gilna, alison canavan


      Howaya, don’t worry I’m not one of those fitness fanatics. But one of my friends is getting married in March. He wants to shift some weight for the big day. One of the grooms men is a professional footballer so he’s done up a two month plan of attack to get us in shape for the big day.

      So I decided to join in for the craic, that means no bread, sugar in my tea or coffee and NO potatoes. I’m a meat & potato kinda guy. So let’s see if I can still be positive over the next few weeks till I get my potato.

      But in life a positive shock to the system in always a good thing. Sometimes we can fall into a pattern of a safety net, which is cool but sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone.

      I’m trying to rewire my own programming with a new mind-set to stay focused on my own journey. Reminding myself in the morning that I am talented, that I can achieve the goals I’ve set out and I congratulate myself every day. I’ve noticed a difference and I can personally feel the change in me.

      I’m more focused than I have ever been. Try it out; you’ve got nothing to lose unless you are saying it to yourself in the car while stuck in traffic and both cars either side of you are thinking who is this crazy coconut.

      Ah don’t mind people who slag off your Positive attitude, or what books you read. I’ve had enough negative Neds tell me so. And you know what? I don’t care and I never will if people get me or don’t. My life, my choices, my belief. I believe in the power of Lightning Positivity.

      Now I just hope I don’t dream of sugar and my beloved potatoes this week as I have to wait two weeks before I can bite one.

      Happy Friday Peeps

      Shine On

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