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      I love when I’m on tour throughout Ireland. Seeing different counties in this beautiful country we call home. Each theatre has its own character and soul. Meeting new & old faces. It’s something I’ve always loved as a jobbing actor over the years. I can tell you a few stories that will surely give you a giggle. One time in Cork staying in a B&B the owner came straight into my room while I was having a shower. Singing away to my hearts content she knocked on the bathroom door and proceeded to enter and ask what I would like for breakfast in the morning (Here’s me thinking it was the Princess from the show not an 80yr old woman).

      Now some of you might have not heard of an Irish man called Conor McGregor. Some of you might love him and others despise him. I’m personally a fan. I trained in martial arts for 8 years under Master John Darcy (A.I.M.A.A) and Grandmaster Heel Il Cho becoming a National Champion and finishing 3rd in the World Championships. My friend Shane McQuillan’s (World Hapkido Association & Komplete Martial Arts)  father Eugene McQuillan brought me to my first class and I fell love with the sport and his passion for martial arts. It thought me Modesty, Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control & Indomitable spirit.

      I retired from the sport and watching & attending all competitions, reading books, videos on the sport until April 2013 when I saw a video of an Irish man called Conor McGregor and it was the press conference after his debut fight in an organisation called the UFC. He had such confidence, an unbelievable mindset and focus that he would be a champion and one of the best martial artists on the planet in the UFC.

      December 2015 and people are comparing him to the greatest boxer Muhammad Ali due to his sharp tongue, promoting a fight, catch phrases, his way with words and most of all undeniable talent .

      In 13 seconds he knocked out his opponent Jose Aldo a champion who was undefeated in the sport for over ten years and regarded as the best pound for pound fighter on the planet.

      Lightning Positivity is about the positive outlook we can all have in life. Believing in our own talents, visualising that goal, believing in that goal, believing in ourselves and saying it out loud in the mirror till we believe it.

      Conor McGregor earned over $7.5 million over the weekend and about three years ago he was on the dole following a dream that he believed he would fulfil.

      But like all goals they start with you. A pen & paper and the ability of learning the skill that is self confidence.

      So how ever ridiculous your goal is or sounds. Believe in you. Believe in the goal. I know you have the talent and determination to achieve anything. But you have to start. Conor McGregor’s career didn’t start in Vegas last weekend in a 13 second fight where he became the unified featherweight world champion.

      To me that is an unbelievable mindset. We can all be guilty of falling off the tracks with our own goals, dreams and determination.

      But look at Conor McGregor. Anything is possible once you stay focused and committed. Make the smallest of changes today. Now write down that goal. But more important, say it out loud. Believe in it. Own it. Embrace it.

      Lightning Positivity

      You either love or hate Christmas and I love it. So can I ask my readers two questions.

      What’s your favourite Christmas song?

      What’s your favourite Christmas film?

      Please insert in the comment box. Thanks a Thousand.

      Shine On

      DG x

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