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      For this week’s Wellness Wednesday I’m chatting to Activities & Resources Manager with Pure Results Bootcamp Niall O’Callaghan. Pure Results Bootcamp is owned by TV Presenter Kathryn Thomas and I recently had the pleasure of being part of a wellness event in Arnotts with both Kathryn and some of her team including Niall. As a Fitness Instructor, Strength & Conditioning Coach and Life Coach, Niall has a varied role and quite a different one from his Engineering & Project Management background.

      wellness wednesday, fitness coach, strength coach, life coach, coach, alison canavan, niall O'Callaghan, pure results bootcamp, inspiration, motivation, lifestyle quiz, balance

      Niall also now runs his own Fitness Classes and provides the Corporate World with activities and workshops to help motivate people to be active and to be at their best, both for themselves, their families and everyone else around them! He loves to participate in Road Races, Marathons, Adventure Races & Triathlons. He works alongside his wife Jennifer, a Nutritional Therapist & Health & Wellness Coach and together they provide the complete package for everyone looking to make improvements in Health, Fitness & Wellbeing area of their lives. So just how does he balance it all? Read more to find out!
      wellness wednesday, fitness coach, strength coach, life coach, coach, alison canavan, niall O'Callaghan, pure results bootcamp, inspiration, motivation, lifestyle quiz, balance
      How would you describe your lifestyle?

      I would consider my lifestyle a really exciting one. I’m really proud to say that I live an extraordinary life with lots of excitement, adventure, challenge, love, fun and really good people. Since I have started working with & Kathryn Thomas, I have found that I really enjoy what I do, and that lots of other exciting opportunities are coming up, which are all in line with how I want my future to pan out.

      What’s your favorite food? Naughty or nice.

      I love home cooked food (something simple like a homemade turkey bolognaise) or a stir fry with lots of vegetables. I especially like these after being away from home for a few days. I’m also very lucky that Jen is always experimenting with new foods for her Nutrition Workshops so I get to try new and exciting foods (and some treats of course). I also love dark chocolate and a big treat for me is a double chocolate muffin (gluten free of course).

      Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      I exercise nearly every day, I’m a strong advocate of everyone getting some exercise, even if it’s a 20min walk, everyday. It’s also good to have a rest day from intense exercise at least once per week. I’m lucky that training is part of my job with Pure Results Bootcamp and I also have my own classes and clients.

      wellness wednesday, fitness coach, strength coach, life coach, coach, alison canavan, niall O'Callaghan, pure results bootcamp, inspiration, motivation, lifestyle quiz, balance
      I go through phases of my own training. I focus on the next event that I want to complete like a 10-mile road race, a marathon or an adventure race and base my activity to suit. It gives me a good variation and I like that. I love to do a marathon every 2-3 years so that when it comes around again I’m really hungry to do as well as I can. I really enjoy the training and lead up then.

      How do you find balance in your day-to-day life?

      I think it’s all about planning and preparation. If I’m very busy, I’ll try to get some exercise done in the morning and I’m tending to prefer the mornings now for exercise. This may mean getting up really early but that’s ok once I get enough sleep. I do get 7 hours quality sleep most nights. To keep a balance, I also like to have some quiet time for meditation, just 10-15 mins in the morning does me.  I also like to have some time everyday to spend with Jen to catch up on what’s going on or just to chill out.

      How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate? Have you ever tried it?

      Yes, a good day for me is a day when I have meditation as part of it. I also recently started a new technique called priming. This really gets me in the zone! A little stress can be good when it’s causing me to go outside my comfort zone. I’m lucky that I don’t think I have much stress in my life at the moment. I heard recently that when you are very busy doing something you don’t like, its stressful, but when you love what you do, being busy is just “living with passion!”.

      People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?
      Definitely, I have a workshop that I give which is based on Goal Setting and creating Habits for Success. I always set intentions as to how I want to approach something and how I want things to work out for me. I believe it’s good to have small and big goals but the intensity or focus of these may change. It’s good to sit back and reduce the high intensity at times too.

      How do you unwind after a busy day?

      I enjoy getting out for a walk with Jen where we can catch up on the day’s event. I also love to get to the pool and a few minutes in a Jacuzzi is always welcomed! A good comedy always helps to switch off the brain also.

      It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun?

      Fun is based around exercise a lot for me. I really enjoy events like races and get a great buzz from them. The weekend is also time to catch up with family and relax with them.

      What’s your top health tip for our readers?
      Be active and eat well. These bodies of ours were built to move and they will perform better when they do move. Sometimes it takes a big kick-start to change a habit, and that’s what’s great about Pure Results Bootcamp, as it provides that Massive Action to get the ball rolling. The momentum for this can then last for a long time. There is lots of wisdom available on exercise and nutrition, which is provided at Pure Results, and I’m very proud to be a part of this amazing team

      Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means…

      Being of great service by preparing well, working hard, celebrating and recovering….



      or his website

      YOU CAN FOLLOW JENNIFER O’CALLAGHAN, Pure Results Nutritional Therapist on her website

      Check out Pure Results Bootcamp by Kathryn Thomas here

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