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       Lightning Positivity, David gilna, alison canavan, be complete, life coach, christmas gratitude, inspiration, motivation, focus on the positives

      This Christmas all I ask of my readers is to reach out to friends or family who will be lonely. It costs nothing and can be the most rewarding gift of all.

      I worked in the meals & wheels and I’ve seen how the elderly can be left on their own. I was their only point of contact. Made it my business to have the chat with them all and it was the best gift I could ever give and I’m still left with fond memories.

      Now don’t get me wrong some of them would test your bloody patience. We all have the Bahumbug friend who hates you & Christmas but don’t give up on them and offer them a hand or just let them rant to someone. Your good deed for the festive holiday.

      So before Christmas day find an hour for you. Grab a hot or cold drink and think about visualising your goals for January. We talk about it, think about it but do we actually commit fully to visualising in such detail we believe in the picture we’ve created.

      Think about one great moment this year, one achievement, one happy memory that’s three great feelings in one year. Let’s not think or dwell on the negatives and the dark days. Let those happy memories take over your body for now. Fill you with joy of something you achieved.

      My own goal is about visualisation and all of us achieving small goals together in whatever career path or life journey.

      I just feel something magical right now. There’s something within the energy in the air right now. I want you to tap into that (Ah no he’s talking crazy right now, what’s he on now!!). But there really is a positive energy in the air right now.

      Love to all my readers on living another year. That’s another achievement.

      Don’t let anyone put you down, laugh at your visons and goals. I believe in you.

      Simple exercise, certain people can drain your energy. So I imagine a block of white energy passing through my body with warm colours of blue to protect me. Always helps me visualising colours and forces of energy.

      Now you may think this is a lot of hot air and you could be right but it works for me.

      Merry Christmas to all of my readers.

      Pain will always end, so hold on.

      Love always

      Shine On


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